I'm going to keep it fairly short and sweet this month... I've had to face some hard facts recently... when you start to reach a certain age... many of the people who have been part of the ride for several years either die or drift away... I've had several bad nights in the last week because another person who I worked with successfully and happily for several years died in his sleep... I suppose it's a double whammy because we drifted apart when we were no longer collaborating. I think the end of that part of our lives brought the difficulty for both of us in not wanting to accept one door closing and the uncertainty of another opening... we both moved on... I moved toward happiness... and my friend who was never a happy person to begin with... unfortunately never found it.
I think everybody of a certain age was told by a parent " You will be judged by the company you keep".... I've always kept that close to my heart in my choices... sometimes more successfully than others... but finally I learned to accept my inner voice or intuition if you will... if something feels off about a person or situation... I'm usually right.
What I've come up with from these mostly sleepless nights this past week is...that I'm never again going to regret someone that I had an amazing time and experience with... the person and the circumstances amazing... we grew together for a reason... and we grew apart for different reason... and fighting it is probably like trying to stop a tidal wave.... I've said in a previous chapter here... Life changes...we lose people and parts of ourselves because of it...and suddenly with time new friends and experiences come to find us... and we are better and stronger because of what we are left with from the storm that subsided... If you actually know me... you probably know that I talk a lot about writing the happy ending to the chapters of your life story... I've come to realize that it's not always about the happy ending... it's about the story too... and I came to the next realization late in the game... but I'm happy I finally learned the lesson...you have to let everyone and every situation be what they are or what it is... not what you think someone or some situation should be... and you have to make the best of it... sometimes you can make it better... sometimes you can't. None of this is easy but for me I will always keep some of the pages turned back on certain memories and people... because they were some of my favorites.
Another thing you may or may not know about me... is I'm generally a happy person... lately it's not that I've been unhappy... but feeling somewhat at odds or adrift... so I found this book... called..."Build The Life You Want" The Art And Science of Getting Happier, written by Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey... I'm always somewhat skeptical of any type of self-help book... but this one gives you things to think about every day and different ways to look at people and situations... Much of it is what I've written about here... first and foremost you can't change the past but you can alter your perception of it... by looking at all the details related to it. In addition you learn to look at the things and people and situations in your life that you are authentically grateful for... You would be amazed at what a mood booster it is... I won't go into all of it... but it's something I highly recommend it.
I've gone back and read some of the past posts and a few really stuck out...
- Remember when you wanted what you have now.
- Appreciate what you have before it turns into what you had.
- Don't wish away the power and magic of today wanting tomorrow to get here faster.
- Nothing has ever left my life without something better to replace it eventually.
I would like to share an Italian proverb I heard many years ago..."At the end of the chess game... the king and the pawn go back into the same box"... it took me a while to really appreciate it.
With each day as we are enjoying longer sunnier days and warmer weather... I've started dreaming my dreams and planning my summer plans... I can't stress the importance of choosing your airport outfit wisely... it's very important... we are not only judged by the company we keep... but the clothes we wear... the luggage we carry... it goes on and on... if you want to escape it... the only place it never matters is at a clothing optional beach... I think it's what I like best about them...
The sun will rise and set regardless...what we choose to do with the light while it's here is up to us... journey wisely!
I hope you will join me here next month... I'll be talking about Adventure...
Thanks for reading...