31 March, 2019

Body Image

OK I don't care who it is... everyone in the world has body image issues or issues about their appearance that may stem from what people have told them or conditioned them to  believe about themselves...
I've linked an interview from BBC that focuses on men and some of the issues we have with our body... I hope you will watch it (it takes about 14 minutes) otherwise I'll be summarizing  some of what was covered (but frankly I believe in reading and understanding the full subject and what is being disclosed than to rely on someone else's summarization if you get my drift)

BBC The Naked Truth Body Image

Everybody and I mean everybody has their own idea of what the perfect man and body type is all you have to do is look at the media and what you see on the catwalk every season...but the thing is the idea of the ideal  man (or woman ) changes... when I was modeling the "All American" man was the ideal... I am as far from that as the sun to the moon but I had a sporty, healthy youthful exuberance that carried me along nicely.

If you can guess who is me... you win a prize... this photo was taken a long time ago. The reason I'm bringing  this up in the first place is when I was modeling and acting the things that I heard most often were... "You are too tall... you are too short... you are too fat... you are too thin... you are too pretty... you are too ugly... don't call us we'll call you have a nice day... drop dead... good bye" and that was on a good day what I ended up hearing the most is ... " We are looking for someone a little more umm... less you or more all American and less sophisticated" 

I was really lucky to work with some incredible agents most notably Wilhelmina Copper and Zoltan Rendessy known in the industry simply as Zoli... what I learned from both of them is to "Be the best possible you that you can... and that there is no one exactly like you no matter how many people want to treat you like you are a dime a dozen"... I have kept this with me to this very day.

We start with what kind of body we have and then we are classified (particularly in modeling and acting) of what and who we are) I think that in today's world everyone feels the harsh glare in a mirror (what I used to call the cold grey light of dawn) when we are making assessments of what we are as we face a new day... because frankly everybody judges each other from what kind of car they drive to what kind of luggage they carry... but  it is all is wrapped up in what we present to the world with who we actually are as people.

Starting at one end of the spectrum is the burly body known as an endomorph that has a natural tendency to be soft and round... then the more muscular sinewy body is  the mesomorphic body these men are just basically genetically lucky... and finally there is the man who is typically lean and naturally narrow known as the ectomorphic body which is characterized by very little body fat.  Truth be told most of us are a combination of at least two types. In the eyes of society and most modeling and casting agents the mesomorphic body is and always has been the ideal type. But... and there is a real big but here... don't beat yourself up and develop self esteem issues if you don't fit the ideal category everyone has the ability to make theirs the best possible for their type. If I went to the gym every day for the rest of my life I'm never going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger (nor do I want to)

And if he wanted to look like me it would be a futile attempt and we both would likely have  health and physical problems trying to be what we are not inherently. What we all need to do is have a very definite regime of using what we have a natural propensity toward and strive for symmetry and a well conditioned body in our type and this is only attainable with diet and exercise... the window dressing are all the trimmings that go with your body... from understanding what types and cuts of clothing best accentuate your strengths and camouflage your flaws... and knowing what colors work best for you and what hair cut is the best for the shape of your face and head etc etc... but frankly I will devote an entire segment to just that.

Modeling and the entertainment industry have taught me a lot about accepting my own true self for who and what I am... and going out in the world and putting my best foot forward... but unfortunately with me and many others it sometimes made me critical of myself and judgmental of others... with learning not to be critical of who I am I have also learned to not judge others by appearances because I learned those who are the most judgmental are often projecting the rage that they see missing in themselves and by learning how to accept me and all my flaws and strengths and others for what they are has made me and the world I live in on a day to day basis a much nicer place to be. That's not to say that I did not enjoy going to a High School reunion and looking fabulous... it's just that I celebrated myself but not at the expense of others... And that is somewhat my final point as was with the BBC interview we all have feelings and we should never take anyone else's for granted and insist others respect ours.

So I'll leave you with this...

At least it is for me... now go out and start making you and your life the best it can be.... See you in two weeks.