02 October, 2017

A Reason To Celebrate

You can do anything and achieve everything your heart desires...No matter what you want in life or want to become...

Every year around Rosh Hashanah (The Jewish New Year) I think about my own good deeds and bad and those around me and the world in general... I've really come a long way over the years--- I wish the world would start catching up. Also every year on my birthday I make a list of new goals and objectives as well as taking a critical look at what I'm doing wrong and what I'm doing right... I'll share the right list this year..
  1. I always try to be kind... especially to those who really need it.
  2. I have empathy and good intuition about other peoples circumstances and issues.
  3. I don't take advantage of other people
  4. I value other peoples time
  5. I'm honest (unless the truth would deeply hurt someone)... I don't lie to them exactly but I will simply avoid referencing a certain set of facts.
  6. I  give people the benefit of the doubt and a second chance.
  7. I am authentic
  8. I usually always apologize first.
  9. I strive to do the right thing.
  10. I always give credit where credit is due.
These things that seem so simple make my life easier and much less complicated and dramatic that the alternatives.... In addition to all of this I am a fair and decent person that sleeps easily at night and can look my self in the mirror.  If everyone in the world started just being nice to themselves and others... imagine how much better the world could be... Sometimes you have to start with a simple set of rules... I've followed this my entire adult life...

Every day we have a reason to celebrate something (every single day of the year is someone's birthday or anniversary)... but in addition we all have milestones of achievement and we should herald and cheer every single one of them... Some times we might have to look for something... but it's out there... in October alone it's 
10/4    The Feast Of Saint Francis (Italy) 
10/5    Republic Day (Portugal)
10/6    Universal Children's Day
10/8    Feast Of Saint Bridget (Sweden)
10/9    Feast Of Saint Denis (France) &Thanksgiving Day (Canada)
10/15  World Poetry Day
10/17  Black Poetry Day (United States)
10/22  Festival Of Eras (Japan)
10/26  Feast Day Of Demetrois (Greece)
10/29  European Summer Time Ends
10/31  Halloween (United States)
... just to name a few... so whether it's a birthday, christening, Bar Mitzvah, Graduation, a bridal shower, a bachelor party, a wedding of just simple hospitality and sharing of knowledge and ideas or food and laughter... it's possible to crawl out of the bleak world we see on the news and find new ways to celebrate while we work to rebuild the world as a better place.

And finally October is Bulling Awareness month... What should we do? We all need to respect our own differences and each others....

Take a stand and do the right thing for your self and everyone and everything we are sharing the planet with.

See you next week... I'll be talking a little about Marcel Proust!