First of all let me just say... I'm sorry I've been very busy and distracted and I did not have a chance to publish a blog last month. I got a couple of messages from readers who asked if I was taking my normal summer sabbatical... well yes I am starting today... but I would never run off for the summer without wishing everyone well and leaving you with something new to consider...
The truth is it is for me... but it's not for everyone because some people were raised to be ashamed of nudity and/or are too judgmental of others. I mentioned in a very early segment that I was once (actually twice) on the consideration list for the Vanity Fair Best Dressed List... and it was truly and honor and an exciting and memorable part of my life... truth be told I would rather be at a nude beach looking at the sun, sky and water and dreaming my dreams and planning my plans... Some of my happiest memories are Champagne picnics at a nude beach with friends!
I've always preferred a no-tan-line body and for the most part have had one most of my adult life with the exception of times that I worked as a lifeguard at a textile beach and swimming pool.
Let's start off with a little terminology lesson...
Naturist means more or less a nudist or someone who considers nudity normal and natural and someone who lives in harmony with nature who encourages, self-respect, respect for others and the environment. We are people who accept and respect ourselves and our bodies and accept and respect others no matter their shape, size or skin color.
Clothing Optional describes places and events where people are free to choose whether of not to be completely dressed, partially dressed or completely naked. C.O. is short for clothing optional.
Textile is the popular term used to describe a place where swim suits are worn... it's easier to say "textile beach" than "a beach where swim wear is required."
Free Beach is another word for Nude Beach this term does not apply to beaches where clothing is optional. A free beach is any public beach that is well established and accepted by patrons and authorities. If you happen to find yourself in Germany FFK is the abbreviation for freikorperkultur that means "free body culture"
Nudist vs. Naturist vs. Clothes Free there really is no difference whatsoever as these terms are used interchangeably. There are nuances to this but Clothes Free is more or less the newer phrase for describing a nudist.
The legality of nudity and nude beaches in general is a very complex issue... there are places on the planet that are completely clothing optional... The city beaches in Barcelona spring to mind as do the many festivals and parades in San Francisco (San Francisco used to be clothing optional-ish until 2012 prior to that exposed skin was only considered indecent if it was sexual and/or menacing in nature.... now it's only permitted for parades and street fairs that have a temporary permit) The city parks in Seattle currently offer hassle free nudity as long as there is nothing sexual explicit... I could go on and on... but the bottom line is in most places... particularly in beach and coastal areas there is typically a place to work on your tan without worrying about putting on a swimsuit. You just have to know how to find them and thanks to a few books on the subject and some fairly easy internet searches if you are heading off on a holiday chances are you can find a place to go. Just be prepared that many are really off the beaten path! There are also resorts, clubs and social gatherings (the outdoor activities are typically during warm weather months)
I've been to social gatherings in New York City and Fire Island, San Francisco, Oahu, Palm Springs just to name a few... and one of the highlights was being the naked audience at the off-broadway show "Naked Boys Singing" there is a line in the show that addresses the audiences about being clothed... they addressed it at this performance stating that "This is normally where we say in the show we are all naked and you are all dressed"
I was actually in one of the productions of the show briefly until a permanent cast replacement could be found... I'm pretty easy to spot if you know me!Not having clothing on is not something I ever had to adjust to... I was used to it from swimming... it has always been more of a challenge for me to put something on than to take it off...
So through the years I've gone swimming, surfed played tennis, bowled, skied (yes it's cold and you try not to fall), bartended, roller skated...
I drew the line at skydiving... too many things can go wrong without having to worry about being dragged by a parachute across an open field with no clothes on...
I used to have a friend who owned a restaurant and he had a nude private party for all his friends during the winter holidays (even his waiters were game)... the company was always fun and the food was always good too... another remarkable experience was sailing form St. Thomas to St. Barts with some friends... and the summer I spent with friends in Greece sailing around... but for the most part most of my time has been spent with friends with the sun on my shoulders and my toes digging around in the sand.When I fist moved to NYC I worked as a studio model for art classes to earn extra money...
I've also posed for a couple of photographers and if you are lucky enough to own it I might be in one of your coffee table books... I was once in a movie and credited as "Naked Boy"I was also approached by a photographer who submitted work to Playgirl Magazine... and I mulled it over and considered the offer very seriously... the problem was that working in the entertainment industry... and potentially being blacklisted from product endorsements or working with networks with prudish conservative sponsors was the only deterrent for me... I've never understood the obsession with labeling the naked body obscene... artists have been depicting the human body beautifully for centuries...
There were a handful of magazine in the 70's that started to bring an acceptance to the naked form showcasing people in natural surroundings, doing everyday activities and in addition showcasing performance art...

I think because nudity has become more common place in theatre, film, advertisements and even in television to some extent... the naked body had earned some amount of respect and acceptance among many people... there are still others who have issues and I have for years said it's your problem not mine because I've stayed in the beaches and places where my nudity is accepted and revered... and if you don't want to be there that's your right and your privilege and I'll respect your feelings on the matter as they pertain to you... but don't try to mandate what you want to what everyone should be doing... whether it's religion, politics or people not wanting to wear a stitch of clothing if they don't feel like it. It's always boggled my mind that we don't have serious legislation and regulations for guns...but we do for the unclothed body!

I would be remiss if I did not add my own little gem of wisdom from experience... If you are not wearing anything and you drop something and bend over to pick it up.... pretend you are wearing a dress!So with that... I wish you a happy summer whatever you are doing... The reason I've been so busy... is I've been working on the outline for a book (that I think might be better served as a screenplay) but I want to play around with a few more ideas before I make a decision one way or another. I've also been making notes for a play and I'm putting together notes on some of my experiences over the last year or so that will eventually be here in blog form.... One of the the common threads of all of them are when I look back at things I see some pains, and mistakes and heartaches... but when I look in the mirror... I see strength from learned lessons... one of them being... don't chase after balloons that were never meant for your sky... let them go...
Oh and one more little did-bit... if you don't know who is knocking at the door... it's a good idea to have something handy to throw on... See you in September!