21 September, 2015

Nothing Is Lost If You Can Remember

I've owned a wide variety and flavors of clothing over the years but I've never identified more with any than those by Andre Courreges; he has always been for me, fresh, refreshing, pure and young or young at heart. There was something about the precision  of lines, colors and the way they made me feel when I wore them... I loved everything about them--- even his logo bewitched me for some reason. He and Hermes were the first things I wore with a designer label... many followed but none compared for me.  This is about the same time I became cognizant about where I did my shopping as I went from I Magnin to Jerry Magnin in Beverly Hills and Joseph Magnin in Honolulu and eventually I found my way into Bonwit's and Bergdorf Goodman and b-dales but I more or less had a faithful three-way shopping experience with "The Magnin's" for several years.... OK I"m getting off track...

Courreges always had a small thoughtful group of mens items and I owned most of them  (color and fabric permitting) But there was one shirt from 1978 I've never forgotten about... It was cream and made of wool and cashmere and was loosely woven like  burlap--- this shirt went around the world a few times and I think part of the reason I loved it so much was it felt  wonderful and it was cut on the bias and the silhouette was stunning... strangers used to stop me on the street when I wore it. I even had a few of the accessories--- I've always marched to my own drum when it comes to fashion... it's not always an easy or popular road to take but I've always been willing to take the consequences with the adulation.

I can't remember  what I was wearing on 8, September 2015 but I can tell you what I was wearing on 25, August 1979 to the theatre (my new Courreges shirt) to see The Mad Woman Of Central Park West (Phyllis Newman's one woman show) I loved it so much I saw it twice (I have no idea what I wore the second time) Most of those who wrote reviews did not share my enthusiasm--- but seriously when do we get to see a performer like Phyllis Newman singing and performing material from Comden & Green, Leonard Bernstein, Steven Sondheim and Barry Manilow--- B-way should have material this good now I still smile thinking about this scene.... Copacabana--- Mad Woman Of CPW

I also wore it to Michael Bennett's memorial at the Shubert Theatre on 29, September 1987--- This is one of the few times in my life I did not go to Joe Allen after the theatre (What a finale to a memorial service I still think about it) for a drink and a bite to eat... I needed to go home and take stock of my life and the entertainment industry and reflect on my feelings about Mr. Bennett and A Chorus Line ( I have probably seen the show more than anyone buying tickets partially because I am probably the person who auditioned for it the most times) By the time I got a serious call back for serious consideration I had signed a contract with another show and was happy to move on--- But I do remember what I was wearing 29, September 1983--- Can you guess? No not this time but--- a Fabrice tuxedo; black silk crepe cut on the bias with jet beads piping the seams (I think it's the most extravagant thing I've ever owned in my life that was not made out of gold or you could drive). What a night that was... it was the night  A Chorus Line became the longest running show on Broadway. I looked like a million dollars and was photographed with Liz Smith and Christie Brinkley who were also wearing Fabrice frocks.  I hope who ever took my luggage at LAX and ended up it's new owner has the life to appreciate it and the social life to wear it.

OK I need to make a confession... my memory is not this fabulous... I found the theatre ticket stubs on the bottom of a box (from Jerry Magnin--- the best boxes in the world in my opinion) recently... But I do remember vividly the shirt was lost to the sea during Hurricane Hugo on 17, September 1989 (If you have ever been in the middle of a devastating storm you don't forget it no matter how hard you try) And while I was sad about the loss of almost everything I had with me I was never so happy to be alive and that my friends and I were safe after so much destruction and loss of life. I have always known that people were more important than things and I was in the middle of a difficult time in terms of loosing friends, loved ones and how to make it on my own again... Somewhere between the shadow and the act as the storm cleared at least in my life I came to realize that as long as we can remember everyone we care about then they will never be lost to time.

The shirt is one of the key factors in me buying a sewing machine and learning to sew... I remember the cut, color and the fabric of that shirt so well that I'm in the process of recreating it sans the ac logo.  The more sewing classes you take the better you get like everything else in life... I really don't know if I'll ever be good enough to recreate the Fabrice tuxedo... but you never know; meanwhile I have a saucy little Valentino number I can slip into for any upcoming Black Tie event.

Oh one more thing... If you live in NYC or LA I can't recommend the sewing classes at Mood Fabrics (from Project Runway fame) highly enough... I'm happy I was never cast in A Chorus Line because the experiences that ensued and the memories they are responsible for far outshine the armageddon of emotions I had about Michael Bennett  and the show and have finally been distilled down to the dust of mere disappointment. See you next week... I'll be talking about choices we make in life.

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